BMX Mongoose Motomag Old School
"Will motocross for food."

mongoose factory plates

mongoose MOTOMAGS®
Kellogg's mongoose cereal!
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BMX Mongoose

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"RAD" the movie: Drinking Game Rules!


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Cycling Links:


Buy BREEZY a beer!

TREK Bicycle Store of Kansas City

Dread Pirates

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The Spokesmen Vintage Bicycle Club

Stolen Bicycle Registry

Other Links: 🌻 Learn Math and Music!

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🍎 Barn Math!

Artist, Paul Seiwald

Paul Seiwald

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Midwest Rock Lobster

Tomato Town: Leawood, Johnson County, Lenexa, Olathe, Shawnee, Merriam KS, Independence, Kansas City, KCMO


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bike ms 2011!

The Dread Pirates Cycling Team!
The Dread Pirates!

The Dread Pirates!
Crossing the Finish Line at mile 70!

Bike MS BMX Mongoose Kos Kruiser
Meanwhile, at mile 50: "I am so awesome!!
Where is everybody?"

I arrived too late to take the Century Loop but I didn't have to walk the plank because they closed the loop down at noon!

And Day 2 was cancelled due to lightning.

But the Dread Pirates will sail again! If you'd like to be on board for next year's ride, contact Cap'n Jennifer!

Thanks to everyone who donated!

TOTALLY SURPRISED by the surprise birthday party - thanks guys!

I've never had a surprise party before. It's such a strange experience because it takes a really long time to figure out what's going on.

First, you start inviting people "Did you know we're having picnic over here? Come join us!" Then things get mathy "What are the odds of everyone I know showing up to the same park, on the same day, at the same time? Wow, this is really amazing!"

I think a few people had already left by the time I figured it out.

the dread pirates!

Bike MS 2011 map - 109 miles (175 km)!

You don't have to donate - unless you want to!

This was my third year participating in this wonderful event - Bike MS is the nation's largest organized cycling event and all donations benefit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society!

This year I joined and trained with the Dread Pirates cycling team - they will make me walk the plank if I don't complete the entire 109 mile (175 km) route!

Can you guess what movie 'Dread Pirates' is in reference to?  Mouse-over the pic below for the answer...

The Princess Bride Cycling Bicycles Bikes BMX Mongoose


Send me a donation for next year if you can!

Mongoose Boot'r Elite The Princess Bride Cycling Bikes Bike Mongoose Crossway 300 Fem The Princess Bride Cycling Bikes Bike The Princess Bride Cycling Bikes Bike

BMX Mongoose