BMX Mongoose Motomag Old School
"I can do a wheelie."

mongoose DOLOMITE

mongoose gold stem
Kellogg's mongoose cereal!
Like the background pic? grab it!
BMX Mongoose

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BMX Links:



vintage mongoose

My RAD Career: the book about RAD by Bill Allen aka Cru Jones!

porkchop bmx



vintage bmx



better bmx

The Bicycle Source


"RAD" the movie: Drinking Game Rules!


the greatest man who ever lived

matt willhelm

how to build a BMX bike

RAD Racing Team

Cycling Links:


Buy BREEZY a beer!

TREK Bicycle Store of Kansas City

Dread Pirates

Cycling Sports Group


Just Keep Pedaling

disraeli gears

The Spokesmen Vintage Bicycle Club

Stolen Bicycle Registry

Other Links: 🌻 Learn Math and Music!

🎼 Learning Games for Music

🍎 Barn Math!

Artist, Paul Seiwald

Paul Seiwald

Beat the health out of you!

Midwest Rock Lobster

Tomato Town: Leawood, Johnson County, Lenexa, Olathe, Shawnee, Merriam KS, Independence, Kansas City, KCMO


Funny Cartoon

myspace editor


ragbrai XL

Riding in the upright and
locked position since 1990

Check out the super rad bike I'm riding across Iowa this year!

I'll tweet all the cool stuff!

View the RAGBRAI XL Map!

pics from the ride!

RAGBRAI towns advertise their attractions on road signs WITH LIES and Story City promised it was the only place in the world where you can ride a rooster - EVERYBODY KNOWS YOU CAN'T RIDE A ROOSTER!

RAGBRAI BMX Mongoose Springville

Story City Iowa Rooster Carousel Merry Go Round RAGBRAI
I was wrong.

OS Old School BMX Girl
This is Lauren a.k.a. "Breezy" on the Two-Four!
When this pic was taken, she was halfway finished with a transcontinental bike ride across the U.S.A. (east to west). She reached the Pacific Ocean in September! Congratulations, Breezy!

Buy her a beer online!
Her bike blog:

RAGBRAI rocking horse
"Why am I always late to the overnight towns?! Why, why, why?!?!?"

RAGBRAI XL was perfect. Each year, RAGBRAI gets better, it never fails. I can't wait for that exciting moment in July when the TEAM FLY bus arrives again!

the bike

1982 Mongoose Two-Four RAGBRAI

DRIVE TRAIN: 1982 Mongoose Two-Four RAGBRAI

Front chainrings: 39T/45T/52T
Rear 5-speed freewheel - SUNTOUR "Perfect 8": 14T/17T/21T/26T/32T
Rear derailleur: SUNTOUR V GT LUXE
Front derailleur: SUNTOUR COMPE V
Pat Morita Bicycle! Mr. Miyagi on the Mongoose two-four! The Karate Kid Bike!
Rides like a dream !! B)

team fly!

The bicycle built to fly has teamed up with the bus built to fly: TEAM FLY!

Pics and videos from last year's ride!

RAGBRAI - Team Fly
BMX Mongoose